About Us

We are a self-supporting, non profit organization. Our mission is to provide services basically free for our youths. What I mean by basically is that, we don't charge a registration fee or monthly dues like other agencies, yet there may be times where we may ask for your support financially or participation wise. We provide services like Anger management, Drug intervention,

counseling in the areas of gang relations which sadly to say, most other organizations don't provide these unless it is by parole

or probation. I wish to stop it before it reaches that level.

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Our users

To post your comments, please use our "Feedback" or "Guestbook" pages. Or you can just simply call.

History of project

Our history goes back to 2000 to 2006. We have assisted over 200 children per year. We entered tournaments in New York,

New Jersey and Philadelphia. We helped children with their parole and probation stipulations. Assisted in tutoring and helped in the summer youth employment program. Now. coming out of retirement, we will be establishing this foundation once agian.